Pope Dentistry in Bloomington & Peoria, IL

Dental Implant Restorations in Bloomington & Peoria, IL

Plan a consultation for a dental implant restoration in Bloomington and Peoria, Illinois. When you come in, our dentist, Dr. Joseph Pope, will examine your mouth and determine if a dental implant is right for you. If you are a good candidate, Pope Dentistry can work with implant specialists to provide you with a full restoration. If you have any questions, call (309) 662-3307 in Bloomington or (309) 688-7007 in Peoria today.


A dental implant is an excellent way to replace a missing tooth. The titanium post of a dental implant acts as a new tooth root, and it is surgically placed in the jawbone at the site of the missing tooth. The titanium post then fuses with the jawbone to provide a sturdy foundation for the remainder of the restoration. Because titanium is biocompatible, it should fuse successfully and comfortably with your jawbone. A restoration, such as a crown or bridge, is then placed on top of the post to complete the procedure.


A dental implant may be right for patients who are missing one or more teeth. Because an implant closely mimics and resembles a natural tooth, it is the best option for bringing back full chewing and speaking functions. It can also prevent the jawbone from resorbing, keeping it strong and healthy to help maintain the volume of your face. A dental implant is strong and durable like a natural tooth, but it does require the same amount of care. We recommend you visit our dentist regularly to keep your dental implant in good condition for many years or even the rest of your life.


The dental implant process is not immediate since it requires planning and proper preparation. We will first assess your smile through visual inspection, X-rays and impressions. We will look at your jawbone tissue, gum tissue and spacing. Once we finish planning, our dentist will surgically install the dental implant post into the jawbone. The post must then fuse with the jawbone; this can take several months. The dentist will check on it regularly and let you know when the post is ready to be capped with a restoration. Depending on the type of restoration being done and your unique needs, more than one surgery may be required.

The restoration, such as a dental crown, will be crafted to match the color and appearance of your smile. When placed, it should look completely natural. This step may also take a couple of months to complete as we make sure that the restoration matches and fits comfortably in your mouth. We will make any adjustments necessary to ensure your comfort. The strong foundation of the post, combined with the strength and natural appearance of the restoration, can provide the stability and function you need to eat and speak normally again.

We will provide instructions for what you can do to improve your recovery time and results. This will include hygiene instructions and diet suggestions.


Are you interested in getting a dental implant restoration? Give us a call so that we can help you smile again!

Joseph M. Pope, DDS, LTD

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